Hair Care in Menopause
Dr. Palki Sharma

Dr. Palki Sharma

Jul 06Hair and Skin Care

Hair Care in Menopause

This article has been compiled by Vaibhavi Kodnani, a content writer at Proactive For Her.

Menopause changes the body in many ways. It may seem an overwhelming phase to overcome, but with appropriate help and support, you can make the transition smooth and easy for yourself. The levels of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone drastically drop during perimenopause and menopause. Automatically, the male hormone levels or the androgens become higher in comparison to the female hormones. These hormonal changes have their effects on the hair, leading to the following symptoms:

  • Hair dryness
  • Hair breakage or brittle hair
  • Hair fall

What are the medical treatments?

For hair fall, there are various treatment options available that you can discuss with your doctor.

Hair fall serums or lotions

Your doctor would prescribe you some hair fall serums or hair fall lotions containing active drugs or ingredients such as L arginine and again to apply on your scalp. If you are suffering from any scalp infections, your doctor will plan treatment for that as well.

Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy (PRP)

If your hair fall is uncontrollable and you are having permanent hair loss, the doctor may suggest you opt for PRP therapy. In this, the doctor will extract your blood, process it to separate the platelet component from it and then inject it into the scalp to promote hair growth.

Hair transplant

Hair transplant is the process of moving some hair to your bald patches and performed when all the other treatments do not prove effective. The doctor will take out some hair follicles from the back of the scalp, i.e. where your head meets your neck. Those hairs are stronger than the ones on the frontal line or front of your scalp. Then, they will transplant it wherever you have a bald patch.

Hair weaving

Even hair weaving is considered the last treatment option. In this method, hair strands, either artificial or real, are woven into the skin of your scalp. However, even these hairs can fall off; it is not permanent.

For drying and frizzy hair, you can switch to nutritional medicated shampoos after consulting your doctor. Even conditioning hair masks are available for this purpose.

What are the cosmetic treatments?

At home, you can try some cosmetic ways to make your hair loss less noticeable. These are usually temporary, quick and easy fixes.


Nowadays, there are good, breathable hair wigs available in the market to provide good volume to your hair. The variety is immense; there are wigs of different hair lengths, colours and textures. You can even wash these wigs once a month.

Invisible hair patches

Invisible hair patches are chunks of hair that you can attach in place of bald patches. These are available in different lengths that you can trim as per your comfort.

Hair powder

Hair powder is available in mainly 3 colours - grey, black and brown. You can dab this powder on your hair or scalp to give an illusion that you have dense hair.

Hair colour sprays

Similar to hair powder, hair sprays also cover your greys and give them a voluminous effect.

Hair tattooing

You can opt for hair tattooing, wherein your scalp will be covered in small dots of the same colour as your hair to give an illusion of hair in that area.

What are the home remedies?

You can easily make homemade hair masks with natural ingredients for hair loss, breakage and dry hair. These do not take long to make. You can apply them before washing your hair.

Hair mask recipe for hair loss

This pre-wash hair mask helps with hair fall, hair breakage and also conditions the hair. Research has found out that fenugreek seeds and castor oil help with hair growth.


  1. Fenugreek seeds - 2 tbsp
  2. Curd - 2 tbsp
  3. Onion juice - 1 tbsp
  4. Castor oil - 1 tbsp
  5. Pure honey


  1. Soak the fenugreek seeds overnight.
  2. The next day, put it in a processor. Add the rest of the ingredients - curd, onion juice, castor oil and a little bit of pure honey. Don’t add the honey if it is not pure.
  3. Blend everything well until it becomes a thick paste.
  4. Apply it all over your scalp and strands. Leave it for 30 mins to an hour and wash it off with an anti-hair fall shampoo followed by a conditioner.

Hair mask recipe for hair loss


  1. Whole egg - 1
  2. Curd - 2 tbsp
  3. Hibiscus powder - 1 tsp
  4. Banana - 1/2


  1. Blend all the given ingredients in a processor or mixer. It should turn into a pasty consistency.
  2. Apply this paste on your strands, especially on the ends where the hair is usually drier. Do not apply it on the scalp as it will make it too oily.
  3. Leave it on for 30 mins, and wash it off with your regular shampoo and plain water.

What should one avoid when dealing with hair problems?

There are some crucial tips to remember that can help you prevent worsening the symptoms.

Do not oil your hair

Oiling hair when dealing with hair loss and dandruff can be counterproductive. Here’s why you should never do it:

  • Your hair follicles are too weak.
  • Vigorous massaging is harmful to weak hair.
  • Oil can trap the hair follicles so the oxygen won’t reach them. It will cause more hair loss.
  • However, if you have hair dryness but no hair fall, you can choose to oil your hair.

Do not tie your hair

As the hair becomes fragile, you must avoid tying it too tightly into a bun or ponytail. Doing so can cause more breakage. Keep it open or loosely tie the hair during the day. At night while sleeping, tie it into a loose plait.

Do not use chemical dyes

Usually, by the menopausal age, people tend to frequently colour or dye their hair. Chemical dyes can exacerbate dryness and frizzy hair. You can also develop allergies to PPD, a chemical substance found in hair dyes. Therefore, opt for medicinal hair colours and dyes that are PPD and ammonia-free.

Avoid hair styling

Do not style your hair too often. Stay away from hair straightening, keratin treatment, blow drying, etc., as your hair is thin and weak. Also, do not use any hair styling products like gel or mousse on your hair.

What is the best hair care routine?

On a general basis, the way you take care of your hair regularly will also impact your hair health. Learn the right way to wash, dry, comb and trim your hair.

The right way to wash your hair:

  • Wash your hair 2-3 times a week with an anti-hair fall shampoo and strengthening conditioner.
  • If you work out, rinse your hair with plain water after that. The sweat evaporates, but the sweat salts get accumulated in your hair follicles that can increase your hair fall.
  • Do not rub or massage your hair vigorously while washing your hair.
  • Dilute some amount of shampoo with 3-4 drops of water and then apply it to your scalp. Leave it on for 30 seconds to a minute before rinsing it with water.
  • After shampooing, apply the conditioner 1 inch from the root till the end and then rinse it off.

The right hair care products:

  • Use an anti-hair fall shampoo with active ingredients like biotin, zinc, ketoconazole, etc. It does not matter whether the shampoo has sulphate or not.
  • Use a strengthening conditioner after shampooing.
  • You can even make natural conditioners or hair masks at home. You can use this pre-wash mask 2-3 times a week. Leave it on for 30 minutes to an hour before washing it off.

The right way to dry your hair:

  • Use a cotton towel instead of Turkish towels to dry your hair.
  • Wrap your hair in a cotton towel for 10-20 mins after washing it. It gives time for the hair cuticles to close, which open up post hair wash, causing frizziness and breakage.
  • Once your hair is towel dry, then leave it open for air drying. Do not blow-dry your hair as it's too weak.

The right way to comb your hair: 

  • Do not comb your hair when it is wet.
  • If you have to comb your hair, allow them to towel-dry for 20 minutes, and gently use the wide-toothed comb.
  • If you have long hair, detangle them with your fingers first and then use a comb.

The right way to colour your hair:

  • Avoid colouring as far as possible.
  • Opt for non-chemical colours that are both PPD and ammonia-free. You can even choose to use henna.
  • If you require a root touch up, do not opt for global hair colour, only colour where required.
  • If you are going to a salon for a hair colour application, take your prescribed hair colour with you.

The right way to trim your hair: 

  • Cut your hair short if you are having hair fall problems. Otherwise, the end part of your hair will appear as a tail.
  • Also, get your hair trimmed every 6 weeks to avoid split ends that develop due to frizziness and dryness.

What should your diet include?

At the time of perimenopause and menopause, diet plays a crucial role in managing your symptoms.

Make sure to eat a wholesome, healthy diet that comprises certain crucial nutrients. Have plenty of calcium, protein, omega-3 fatty acids and fibre in your diet.

Your diet should include:

  • Antioxidants: Curry leaves, almonds, walnuts, flax seeds, berries, citrus fruits, all vegetables
  • Omega-3-6-9 fatty acids: Ghee, unsaturated fats, processed meats, refined cooking oil; nuts like almonds, walnuts, cashew nuts, peanuts; seeds like flax seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame, pumpkin seeds, melon seeds, egg yolks, wild fish like pomfret, rawas (Indian salmon), bangda and rohu, sardines.
  • Oils: Olive oil, sesame oil, coconut oil
  • Whole grains: Wheat, rice, brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, bajra, jowar, all millets
  • All fruits and vegetables
  • You can even start on certain supplements to improve your skin and hair health after consulting your doctor.

Recommended supplements

  • Folic acid
  • Biotin
  • Collagen

Maintain a food diary

Generally, menopause increases the chances of developing allergies on your skin and scalp. You can maintain a food diary to note down the foods that are not suiting you and avoid them.

What lifestyle changes should you consider?

Small lifestyle changes in your life can make a big difference to your menopausal phase.

Hydrate well

Make it a habit to drink lots of water. Increasing your water intake will improve your energy levels and help release unwanted toxins from the body.


Taking physical and mental stress can heighten your symptoms. Engage in breathing exercises, walking, yoga, meditation and other activities that help you relax your body and mind.

Get enough sleep

Sleep plays one of the most important roles in our physical appearances. Menopause can inhibit your sleep and affect its quality. If you are dealing with insomnia, consult your doctor. There are various treatment options. Having chamomile or peppermint tea before going to bed can be beneficial. You can even go for short term therapy to improve your sleep.

Recommended hair care brands

Pantene, Dove and Olaplex are a few good commercial brands with good hair care products. Other brands with qualitative anti-hair fall shampoos and strengthening conditioners are:

  • Ducray
  • FCL
  • Duntres
  • Bioderma

Good hair colour brands include:

  • Altris
  • Kama Ayurveda

Are these hair changes preventable?

The hair changes are not preventable because every person will experience fluctuation in the hormones with the advent of perimenopause and menopause. Until your hormones are fluctuating, it will affect your hair and skin. However, with a proper diet, lifestyle changes and medical treatments, it is possible to reverse these changes.

How to accept these changes?

Be prepared: Every person who menstruates will attain menopause at some point. Hence, being prepared for the changes that would occur can help you deal with it better when it happens.

Consult a doctor: You may develop allergies, skin dryness, pigmentation, hair fall, bald patches, or hair dryness. So, it is always better to consult your doctor and come up with a plan to manage the symptoms.

You can consider going to a doctor if:

  • There is a reduction in your hair volume or have noticeable bald patches.
  • The hair changes are hampering your lifestyle
  • The hair changes are taking a toll on your mental health

Join support groups: There are many online support groups where you find people who have gone through a similar phase.


Hair changes will occur during menopause, but remember that these are manageable with medical treatments, home remedies and a suitable hair care routine. Diet and lifestyle habits play a crucial role too. Discuss a plan with your doctor to help yourself transition smoothly.

Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes and should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare practitioners before undertaking any changes in your diet or adding supplements.

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