5 Most Common Myths about Sexual Activity
Dr Ankita Gharge

Dr Ankita Gharge

Jan 12Sexual Health

5 Most Common Myths about Sexual Activity

We have all heard multiple things about sex - some of these may be informative while others can be confusing and even downright bizarre.

“Sex is supposed to be painful”; “the hymen needs to break during your first sexual intercourse”, and “unprotected period sex cannot make you pregnant” - most of us have heard these at some point!

To have a positive relationship with sex and experience a healthy sex life with your partner(s), it is crucial that we are informed enough to differentiate the myths from the facts, and we are here to help you do this. Together, let’s debunk the five most common myths about sex.

1. Sexual intercourse is supposed to be painful the first time

Many believe that sexual intercourse will definitely be painful for vagina owners, at least while having sex for the first time. In fact, sexual penetration is meant to be a pleasurable activity, never a painful one. For a comfortable, painless and pleasurable first time, you need enough foreplay to help you with arousal and lube. Along with that, having an open conversation with your partner(s) and being prepared for sexual activity can enhance your comfort level.

However, if you experience recurrent pain during intercourse despite taking all the necessary steps, make sure you consult a doctor to diagnose the cause as soon as possible. nt and prevalent even after following the necessary steps for comfortable intercourse, you must consult a doctor to diagnose the cause.

2. Hymen has to break during sexual intercourse

The hymen is an elastic, thin, perforated tissue covering the external vaginal opening. There are many myths around the hymen. While it has no known function, the hymen has been at the centre of many misconceptions when it comes to sex! The most common one is that the hymen must break during intercourse - meaning that a vaginal owner who is having sex for the time will bleed because of a broken hymen.

Two facts bust this myth. Firstly, not all women have hymen. Secondly, even if some women have it, it is not necessary that it has to break and bleed only during sexual intercourse. It could break during other daily activities such as sports, tampon use and masturbation. It may thin out over time, or it may not break at all!

3. Sexual intercourse during periods can never make you pregnant

It is not true - you can become pregnant even when you are having unprotected sex during your period. Women are more likely to get pregnant just before and during ovulation. In a 28-day cycle, ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, about 14 days before your next menstrual cycle begins. Some women may have shorter menstrual cycles, thus early ovulation, putting them at risk of getting pregnant.

To avoid unwanted pregnancies and contraction of STIs, opt for protected sex at all times - whether or not you’re on your period (unless you are planning a pregnancy).


4. You do not have STI if you do not have any symptoms

Majority of STIs are asymptomatic, i.e., they rarely cause any symptoms even if one is infected. However, if you are sexually active or have been in the past - make sure to get an STI test. This can help you know your status, catch any infections early and prevent these infections from transferring to another person during sex. So, do not rely on symptoms to emerge. All sexually active persons should get tested for STIs regularly or at least once a year.

5. Regular sexual intercourse can loosen your vagina

It is often assumed that penetrative sex can loosen your vagina. Well, it’s not true. Repeated sex cannot be the reason for a loose vagina. In fact, the vagina dilates right before and during sex to make the penetration more comfortable, thus making the sexual activity more pleasurable. Sometime after the intercourse, the vagina returns back to its usual shape and size. And even after repetitive intercourse, the vaginal muscles do not become loose over time.

Read More: You Won’t Get an STI If You Practice Safer Sex - Myth or Fact?  


There are many more myths around sex out there. Therefore, learning more about the body and educating yourself about your sexuality and sexual health through reliable resources is always better than falling for assumptions. It is best to consult your doctor if you have any queries about sex. For first-timers, being well-informed and prepared will increase your chances of a pleasurable first sexual experience. So, don’t shy away from sex education! It is vital for building a good relationship with your body, sex and the relationship with your partner!

Disclaimer - This information is educational and should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult your doctor before making any dietary changes or adding supplements.

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