How can she have issues with sex? Sex is great!
Sneha Annmary Chandy

Sneha Annmary Chandy

Jul 15Vaginismus

How can she have issues with sex? Sex is great!

What is vaginismus?

Vaginismus is a condition characterised by the involuntary contraction or tightening of the muscles around the vaginal opening, which can cause discomfort, pain, or difficulty during vaginal penetration, including sexual intercourse, tampon insertion, or medical examinations. This involuntary reflexive tightening is often linked to anxiety, fear, or a negative association with penetration, though it can also have physical causes. Vaginismus can vary in severity, with some individuals experiencing minor discomfort and others finding penetration impossible. Treatment often involves a combination of education, physical therapy, psychotherapy, and pelvic floor exercises designed to gradually desensitise and relax the vaginal muscles.


Why does my partner have vaginismus?

Your partner's vaginismus could be caused by a combination of physical, psychological, and emotional factors. Physically, it may result from infections, inflammation, or other medical conditions affecting the pelvic area, or as a side effect of surgeries or childbirth. Psychologically, past trauma, such as sexual abuse or assault, or even childhood trauma of any kind can lead to a fear or anxiety response during penetration. Negative experiences, including painful first sexual encounters, can also contribute to this condition. Emotional factors, such as stress, relationship issues, or societal and cultural attitudes towards sex, can exacerbate the problem. Additionally, a lack of sexual education or misinformation can lead to anxiety about intercourse. Understanding and addressing these underlying factors through a holistic approach involving medical treatment, physical therapy, and psychological support can help in managing and potentially overcoming vaginismus.


Vaginismus and other mind-body responses 

Vaginismus is a prime example of a mind-body response, where psychological and emotional states trigger an involuntary physical reaction in the body. This condition involves the involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles in response to penetrative attempts, which can be rooted in fear, anxiety, or past trauma. Similar mind-body responses are seen in other conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), where stress and anxiety can exacerbate gastrointestinal symptoms, or tension headaches and migraines, which can be triggered by emotional stress. These conditions highlight the powerful connection between the mind and body, demonstrating how psychological factors can manifest as physical symptoms. Addressing such conditions often requires a holistic approach that considers both mental and physical health, integrating therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques, and physical treatments to manage symptoms and improve overall well-being.


Importance of setting right expectations about sex

Setting the right expectations about sex is crucial for fostering healthy and satisfying sexual relationships. Unrealistic or misguided expectations, often shaped by media, cultural norms, or misinformation, can lead to disappointment, anxiety, and pressure, negatively impacting sexual experiences and relationships. Clear and realistic expectations help individuals and couples understand that sex is a normal and natural part of life that can vary widely in terms of frequency, performance, and preferences. It emphasizes the importance of communication, consent, mutual pleasure, emotional and physical connection over performance or perfection. By promoting a realistic and positive outlook on sex, individuals can reduce anxiety, build trust, enhance intimacy, and address issues such as sexual dysfunctions more effectively. Ultimately, setting the right expectations through effective communication fosters a healthier, more fulfilling approach to sex that is based on mutual respect and understanding.


Listen to how she responds to you sexually

Listening to how your partner responds to you sexually is essential for building a satisfying and mutually enjoyable sexual relationship. Paying attention to her verbal and non-verbal cues, such as moans, changes in breathing, body movements, and feedback, helps you understand what she enjoys and what makes her uncomfortable. This attentive listening fosters open communication and trust, making it easier to discuss desires, boundaries, and preferences. It shows respect for her needs and enhances emotional intimacy, as she feels heard and valued. Additionally, adapting to her responses can lead to more pleasurable and consensual experiences, reducing the likelihood of pain or discomfort. Ultimately, listening to your partner's sexual responses ensures that both partners feel safe, respected, and fulfilled in their sexual relationship.


Patience and communication are the keys

Patience and communication are key elements in improving a couple's sex life because they foster understanding, trust, and emotional intimacy. Patience allows partners to navigate challenges without pressure or frustration, creating a safe space where both individuals can explore their desires and boundaries at their own pace. When your partner has vaginismus, patience and communication become even more critical in supporting her and improving your sexual relationship. Patience is essential because overcoming vaginismus can be a gradual process, requiring time and consistent effort. Rushing or showing frustration can increase anxiety and exacerbate the condition. Being patient allows your partner to feel safe and supported as she navigates her treatment and healing journey at her own pace.

Communication, on the other hand, is essential for expressing needs, preferences, and concerns. Open and honest dialogue helps partners understand each other's perspectives, making it easier to address any issues and enhance mutual satisfaction. It also prevents misunderstandings and builds a stronger emotional connection, which can lead to a more fulfilling sexual relationship. Communication  fosters an open and honest dialogue about feelings, fears, and experiences. This helps in understanding the emotional and physical aspects of vaginismus, ensuring that both partners are on the same page. Through communication, you can discuss treatment options, explore non-penetrative forms of intimacy, and provide emotional support. It also enables the sharing of progress and setbacks, which can strengthen the emotional bond and mutual trust. Together, patience and communication create a compassionate and understanding environment, crucial for overcoming vaginismus and building a healthy, fulfilling sexual relationship.



Supporting a partner experiencing vaginismus is vital. It is important to foster a loving, understanding, and resilient relationship. Offering unwavering patience and clear communication creates a safe space for addressing the physical and emotional challenges of the condition. Through compassionate support, partners can navigate treatment together, enhancing trust and intimacy while exploring alternative ways to maintain a satisfying sexual connection. This support not only helps in managing vaginismus but also strengthens the overall relationship, highlighting the importance of empathy, mutual respect, and shared effort in overcoming obstacles. By standing together, partners can transform the journey of healing into an opportunity for deeper connection and lasting emotional closeness. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of vaginismus or pain with intercourse, schedule a screening call with Proactive for Her today. Our award-winning Online Vaginismus Healing Program and expert pelvic floor physiotherapists are here to help.